
Thursday, October 27, 2016

How to act as a Christian in any circumstances

To those who feel they need help on how to be a Christian in all walks of life, this article will offer a much needed counterpoint to much of the stuff out there.
Steps Edit
1. Love God show all else even to the point of becoming selfless so that you can give to others.

2. Have undying faith in God never wavering (Waffling and wavering is doubt).

3. Love others as you love yourself. That includes people you may not like or get along with. Do not hate.

4. Do good. Not to have a bigger treasure in heaven, but because you want to do good/right. You glorify God every time you do a good deed or perform an act of kindness, since you are one of his children.
5. Follow the example and teachings of Jesus Christ contained in the Holy Bible. It's the only REAL "How To" about Christianity! Seek the baptism of the Holy Spirit because it is a promise given to everybody not only to guide but also to teach us.

6. Don't judge others. Many people have trouble with that one. Judging is for God to do, not us. As Christians, we are called to love each other, and that means leaving the judging to God. Rebuking others (preferably as compassionately as possible) is fine, but first you must do as Jesus says, and "Take the plank out of your eye before you try to remove the speck from another's eye", otherwise you will only be a hypocrite.

7. Read your Bible and pray every day. Just like eating and drinking to sustain your soul and body.
8. Keep on giving God your "ALL". That means give up your right to hate, judge or even get revenge. Set it right--if you can--but that is not revenge.
9. Tell everyone and be constantly remembering where God brought you from and what you are now. That will help you spread the word of God.
10. Remember Jesus died for us.

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